[翻譯/Translation] 學術摘要 Abstract|歐盟/永續/環保材料 EU and Sustainability|紡織綜合研究所 Textile Industry Research Institute Foundation(一)
DESign of bio-based Thermoset polymer with rEcycLing capabiLity by dynAmic bonds for bio-composite manufacturing(ESTELLA)
ESTELLA is an ambitious initiative that proposes an innovative solution to improve the recyclability of low-recyclable materials: thermosetting composites. To this end, ESTELLA will work on the design of novel bio-based epoxy resins with inherent recyclability capabilities thanks to the introduction of Covalent Adaptive Network (CAN) in the original epoxy structure. CAN will provide the thermosetting epoxy resin with the ability to respond to certain stimulus that changes the state of its microstructure and thus, the ability to be reprocessed/re-polymerized (return to original monomers and fibres). A similar strategy will be applied to existing fossil-based epoxy formulations. In this way, the thermoset can be reprocessed or re-polymerized into new products and the fibres can be recovered as well. In addition, fibres of renewable origin will be used as reinforcement to manufacturing thermoset composites. ESTELLA research will address recycling techniques of any nature (chemical, biological and mechanical) to guarantee that the materials developed during the project can be successfully separated into their components in a safe and cost-effective way, hence maximizing the revenue of recycling activities. The validation of the developed recyclable materials will be carried out through economically and environmentally efficient manufacture processes (out-of-autoclave). Thus, new bio-composites will be designed and developed based on the premises of improving recyclability while meeting the demands of different sectors such as construction and leisure/mobility. Also, extensive work will be carried out to leverage the industrial application of the technologies and materials developed, taking into account safety, techno-economic, regulatory and intellectual property aspects.
ESTELLA是個具有前瞻視野的單位,因而提案以「熱固性複合物」改善低回收材料的回收率,作為回收創意解方。ESTELLA致力於品質優良的生物基環氧樹脂,並提高原材料之回收性,而這些成果皆來自於動態可逆共價鍵(Covalent Adaptive Network, 又稱CAN)之技術應用。動態可逆共價鍵增加生物基環氧樹脂對抗足以改變其生物結構之外界刺激,也因此,此種效果便是所謂的再加工/再聚合(還原原有的單體與纖維)。同樣的,另一項類似的策略也會應用於化石環氧樹脂的配方。由於以上方法,可以再度使用的纖維原料,將會用於製造熱固性複合材料的製作。ESTELLA的研究將會處理回收技術的不同面向,如化學、生物與機械面向,確保計畫中的材料成功以安全兼具成本效益的方式進行,最後最大化回收活動之收入。此項正在發展中的回收材料,一旦經過驗證,將會引領製作流程(即,無壓力釜方式製備),不論於經濟面或是環境面,將會更有效完成。於是,新的生物複合材料將會根據增進回收率為前提設計與發展,而於此同時,也會符合不同單位對需求,例如建造與休閒相關產業。除了以上所言,其餘廣義範圍的相關工作亦會執行,以求槓桿作用,將科技與材料的工業製程,與以下面向:安全、技術經濟、規範與智慧財產,進行綜合考量。
REDONDO will develop reversibly cross-linked polyethylene (rPEX), rendering the up-to-date non-recyclable PEX a recyclable-by-design innovative polymer. Achievement of reversibility will be conducted via two different thermally reversible reactions for PE cross-linking: one based on C-S-S bonds and one exploiting the Diels Alder reaction. The produced rPEX will be characterized and its reversibility assessed. Key to this project is the adoption of the Safety-by-Design and Sustainability-by-Design frameworks, incorporating the outcomes of safety- and sustainability-related assessments already from the design stage in the polymer formulation process. Use of innovative green and bio-based additives (LPNs and MFC) will enable for further improvement of desired properties (thermal stability, mechanical properties and flammability) without introducing health risks or jeopardizing the environmental sustainability of the materials and processes. Nanolignin (LNPs) and nanocellulose (MFC) are being produced and studied as rPEX additives for the first time. An inventory of additives tool will enable further adoption of this approach. Two high potential impact end-use applications have been placed under focus: pipes and photovoltaic cables. The efficiency of the adopted approach and technologies will be demonstrated and validated according to the specification and requirements of end-users. Moreover, a number of analyses will be performed to evaluate the safety and sustainability of rPEX but also to establish the safety and sustainability-by-design criteria and the recyclability requirements. This will facilitate the extension of this concept to other end-use applications of rPEX or to the design and development of other cross-linked -not currently recyclable- polymers as reversible ones.
Redondo將因應時代潮流,發展熱可逆交聯聚乙烯(reversibly cross-linked polyethylene,即rPEX),一反PEX原先不可回收的狀態,創新可回收的聚合物。此項計畫預計可由兩個熱可逆反應達成熱可逆交聯聚乙烯:其一為根據C-S-S鍵結,另一個則為狄爾斯-阿德耳反應(the Diels Alder reaction),而成功製造的rPEX將被特性化、可逆化。這項計畫最重要的便是應用了兩大框架:設計保障安全(Safety-by-Design)與設計保障永續(Sustainability-by-Design),經早有的聚合物配方過程之設計,最終得以結合安全與永續相關的評估與結果。Redondo也會使用創新、環保、與生物基礎添加物(LPNs與MFC),將使材料特性進步,如考量熱穩定、機械特性與易燃性,卻不會造成健康危害或是環境傷害。同時間,首次作為rPEX的添加物,奈米木質素(LNPs)與奈米纖維素(MFC)也會被研究與製造,而我們認為此項具有前瞻性的添加物工具,將推動以上提及的新方法。
Recyclable Elastomeric Plastics safely and sUstainably designed and produced via enzymatic Recycling of Post-cOnsumer waSte strEams (REPurpose)
運用酵素回收、安全,與永續手法設計消費之廢料流製造可回收的彈性塑料 (REPurpose)
In the REPurpose project, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) coming from local, post-consumer waste is upcycled to new functional "REP polymers" targeting the high-value market of thermoplastic elastomers that nowadays encounter recycling problems. New building blocks derived from biomass or enzymatically degraded polyolefin or paper and cardboard waste will be incorporated giving the REP polymers unique features: i) tuneable elastomeric properties avoiding the need for additives, ii) production, processing and recycling on existing equipment thus avoiding the need for huge CAPEX investments, iii) controllable degradation in different habitats, and iv) unprecedented indefinite recycling, outcompeting fossil carbon with every recycling step. REPurposes X-factor hence lies in the non-fossil content steering REP to higher value than original PET: the first biodegradable and recyclable elastomeric polycondensates in the world. Combining the functional strength with the leverage in ecology in higher-end applications, will create a considerable market traction when good marketing, production and servicing are surrounding this innovative REPurpose platform. To enable this development, the REPurpose consortium is spanning the value chain from i) waste handler, recyclers and regulatory framework advocates over ii) specialty bio- or waste-based building block producers, iii) technology developers for REP polymerisation, processing and detection, to iv) end users for consumer goods, automotive and B&C, all advised by experts in safety- and sustainability-by-design (SSBD), life cycle assessment, business modelling and Responsible Research and Innovation. Four universities and research centres, a non-profit organisation, six SMEs (including two start-ups) from seven EU countries and the UK address the research challenges and pave the way for bringing the innovation to the broad public and creating a resilient and sustainable European plastics industry.
REPurpose計畫針對當地已消費使用之聚乙烯對苯二甲酸酯(PET)廢料,升級再造為REP聚合物(REP polymers),並以高價值市場為目標,解決當今熱塑性彈性體(thermoplastic elastomers)的回收困境。舉例而言,新的建築磚可以使用生物質、酵素降解聚烯烴,或是紙質、紙板廢材製造,結合REP聚合物,因而產生以下獨特特性:(一)運用可調合之彈性體特性,避免額外的添加物,(二)對於現有設備之生產、加工與回收,減少大量資本性(CAPEX)投資的需求,(三)於不同生物棲息地具備可控的降解特性,(四)獨有之「無限回收」方法,勝過現有的化石碳回收現況。REPurposes計畫的特出之處,便在於推行REP,相較原有的PET,使之成為更高價值的材料,乃為世界首創之生物可分解、可回收的合成橡膠縮聚物。REP結合了功能性力量與生態槓桿作用,如果REPurpose這個深具創意的計畫加以好的行銷、製造與服務策略,將於專業應用中創造一定規模的市場牽引力。為了實現此願景,REPurpose集團將努力擴及價值鏈的四大面向:(一)提倡廢棄物處理、回收與規範,(二)推行生物或廢料為基礎的特色建物材料與製程,(三)以科技發展REP聚合物、過程與偵測,(四)集結專家,以設計保障安全與永續(SSBD)、生命週期評估、商業模式與負責任的研究和創新精神,檢視終端產品使用者、汽車與B&C(Business and Customer,商業與客戶)。來自歐盟與英國的四所大學、研究中心、非營利組織與六間SMEs(包含兩家新創公司),將會協力齊心面對挑戰,為創新方法開路,將REP帶往大眾視野,創造一個具永續精神的歐洲塑膠產業同盟。
Safe-, sUstainable- and Recyclable-by design Polymeric systems - A guidance towardS next generation of plasticS (SURPASS)
新一代塑膠之導引:安全、永續、可回收,經重新設計的聚合物系統 (SURPASS)
Plastic waste outlive us on this planet as they take centuries to break down. Endocrine disruption, land, air and water pollution are only some of the adverse effects of plastic waste on public and environmental health. Still, 70% of plastic waste collected in Europe is landfilled or incinerated. The overall objective of SURPASS project is to lead by example the transition towards more Safe, Sustainable and Recyclable by Design (SSRbD) polymeric materials. The SURPASS consortium of 14 partners consisting of research and technology organizations and industries will: 1. Develop SSRbD alternatives with no potentially hazardous additives through industrially relevant case-studies (TRL3-5) targeting the three sectors representing 70% of the European plastic demand: - Building: bio-sourced polyurethane resins with enhanced vitrimer properties to replace insulating PVC for window frames (40% C-Footprint reduction) - Transport: lightweight, therefore less energy-consuming epoxy-vitrimer (30% C-Footprint reduction), as alternative to metal for the train structure, anticipating emerging use of non-recyclable composites. - Packaging: MultiNanoLayered films involving no compatibilizers to replace currently non-recyclable multi-layers films (60% C-Footprint reduction). 2. Optimize reprocessing technologies adapted to the new SSRbD systems to support achievement of ambitious recyclability targets. 3. Develop a scoring-based assessment that will guide material designers, formulators and recyclers to design SSRbD polymeric materials, operating over the plastic entire life cycle, including hazard, health, environmental and economic assessment. 4. Merge all data and relevant methodologies in a digital infrastructure, offering an open-access user-friendly interface for innovators. SURPASS will in particular address its results to SMEs, representing more than 99% of enterprises, and therefore has an outstanding potential to contribute to the transition towards green economy.