[翻譯/Translation] 會議議程 Agenda|歐盟、淨零、碳捕捉 CCUS ROADMAP TO 2030|紡織綜合研究所 Textile Industry Research Institute Foundation
Status of CCS and CCU and current progress along the value chain
碳捕捉(CCS,Carbon Capture and Storage)、再利用計畫(CCU,Carbon Capture and Utilization)與價值鏈目前進展
Technical status and potential
CCS technologies involve capturing CO2 produced by large industrial and energy plants, transporting the CO2, and storing it permanently deep within rock formations or saline formations. For CCU technologies, instead of storage, the CO2 is used as part of a conversion process, for the fabrication or synthesis of new products, or in non-conversion processes, where CO2 is used.
From 75 million tonnes a year (Mtpa) at the end of 2020, the capacity of CCS and CCU projects in development grew globally to 111 Mtpa in September 2021. In Europe alone, there are now 35 projects in development7. CCS has been operational in Europe for over 20 years, with the Sleipner facility in Norway, having stored approximately 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year since 1996. The total amount of CO2 being captured in Europe is approximately 2.5 million tonnes per year.
Carbon capture technologies can be applied to a variety of carbon dioxide emitting processes: power and heat generation, cement production, iron and steel, waste-to-energy plants, low-carbon hydrogen manufacturing, and other industrial processes. The CO2 is separated from the process emissions by chemical or physical processes, or through selective membranes for physical separation of CO2. When CO2 is separated from a stream where parts or all the CO2 stems from biogenic sources, and is permanently stored, CDRs are realised (Bio-CCS/BECCS, Waste-to-Energy with CCS, etc.). Direct Air Capture, where CO2 is separated directly from the air, is another CDR technology that has emerged in later times.
Carbon capture technologies currently capture up to 95% of the CO2 emissions, however it is technically feasible to achieve capture rates >95% with only minor efficiency and financial penalties compared to a capture facility capturing at 90%. Capture rates above 99% are possible, as technologies develop through continued R&I and deployment.
Many different capture technologies have been tested at pilot scale in a lot of national and European research projects. This comprises absorption by liquid solvents, adsorption by solid sorbents, oxy- combustion, membranes, solid looping, low-temperature separation, and others. Absorption by liquid solvents is by far the technology which is most developed and commercially available at a large scale.
Transport of CO2 is primarily done by pipeline, but other modes of transport, like ship, rail, or road transport, will be increasingly important. The development of shared CO2 transport infrastructure to connect industrial clusters to storage locations is key to unlock economies of scale on a regional, national, and European level. To meet decarbonisation targets across the EU, it will also be necessary to extend the deployment of CCS and CCU to small emitters and to stranded emitters for which direct connection to pipeline transportation network infrastructure may not be feasible. Crucial for the development of CO2 networks is the change from point-to-point solution to the creation of hubs and clusters – where CO2 infrastructure is shared among different emitters.
Permanent and safe CO2 storage is achieved deep underground, using natural processes that trap CO2, similar to how oil and gas is trapped for millions of years. Oil and gas fields and deep saline aquifers have similar geological features required for CO2 storage: a layer of porous rock to store the CO2 and overlying impermeable layers of cap rock which seals the porous layer underneath, trapping the CO2. The European Directive on the geological storage of CO2 provides a regulatory framework that enables storage operators to demonstrate the permanent and safe storage of CO2 deep underground. Many projects worldwide have now demonstrated that CO2 storage is safe, technically feasible and cost-effective, with the Norwegian Sleipner project being one of the longest-running projects globally. Now, a portfolio of European storage sites are being appraised and developed, creating a pipeline of storage that will support the first CO2 capture and transport networks. However, many more storage sites will need to be provided in more regions to enable Europe to achieve its climate mitigation goals.
長久且安全的二氧化碳儲存已達到以下目標:使用自然流程捕捉並埋入地址深層,相似於石油與天然氣儲存於地底達好幾百萬年之過程。其實,於地科條件上,石油、天然氣、鹽水層的位置與碳儲存類似。先是蓋岩之不透水層,封存下層,也就是多孔岩石之透水層,因此達到捕捉二氧化碳的效果。歐洲聯盟指令(The European Directive)亦對此項技術訂定相關法律規範,使碳儲存業者有所依歸。目前於全球的碳儲存計畫,均顯示碳儲存不只安全、技術可行,甚至價格合理,最好的例子變為目前執行最久的碳儲存計畫之一,也就是挪威的Sleipner計畫。歐洲碳儲存的成果斐然,不只創造碳儲存的流程,也串連更多的運輸網絡。但,值得注意的是,為了達到歐洲目前延緩氣候變遷的目標,未來也需要更多的儲存地點支持,延續此計畫。
Utilisation is the process of using captured CO2 in industrial processes or products. CCU technologies are used for the production of everyday products based on CO2 including building materials, synthetic fuel, chemicals, plastics, and for horticulture. CCU will thus replace incumbent products, decrease reliance on fossil resources, and help to transition to a carbon circular economy. As for all environmental technologies, to determine the climate benefits of each CCU application, full lifecycle analyses (LCA) are required and are becoming available in some areas.
Commercialisation of CCU technologies is at an early stage and a series of ongoing and announced projects will reach industrial scale within the next five years.
Potential – CCS and CCU are key technologies in the decarbonised future of the planet. The deployment of CCS and CCU at industrial scale will enable the technologies to be applied to many different sectors and applications, which in turn will accelerate innovation and improve technological efficiencies.
Removal of CO2 from the atmosphere at industrial scale can be achieved with CCS, through the capture of CO2 from biomass sources, also known as BECCS. CO2 can also be directly captured from the air through Direct Air Capture (DAC) and the CO2 permanently stored, though this is a less mature technology. Removals may also be achieved by utilising captured CO2 from biomass or DAC and permanently storing it through mineralisation. The European Climate Law and many climate models have confirmed that the removal of CO2 will be a vital component of future climate and energy systems to address residual emissions from other parts of the economy.
碳捕捉得以以工業規模水準,移除大氣中的二氧化碳,而此項技術則源自生物質的二氧化碳捕捉,也就是大家知道的BECCS。儘管此為發展階段的科技,我們甚至可以透過直接空氣捕捉(Direct Air Capture,DAC)而最終儲存二氧化碳。更甚,我們可以藉由生物質內捕捉的二氧化碳、或是直接空氣捕捉,最終儲存,以礦化的形式脫碳。根據歐洲氣候法與其他氣候模組,未來的氣候與能量系統的重點,將會放在如何將二氧化碳的移除,以求降低碳排放量。
Making the technologies investable – funding opportunities
During this decade, it is crucial to put in place an enabling policy and regulatory framework for the large-scale deployment of CCS and CCU technologies, making the technologies investable. While the mitigation role of CCS is demonstrated and acknowledged by several modelling scenarios, securing broad political and public support for the technology has been a barrier for large-scale CCS projects in the early 2000s, and it is crucial to build awareness and political support in this decade to ensure the necessary scale-up.
Several European funding synergies exist and are coordinated in support for CCS and CCU. Among those, Horizon Europe is one major pillar for public funding for CCS and CCU in Europe, where it features as an area for R&I. The Horizon Europe work programme for 2021 and 2022 was recently launched, and the main calls relevant for CCS and CCU focus on CO2 capture, CO2 storage, CO2 conversion, integration in hubs and clusters and CDRs. Alignment of member state and European funding is key to the success of the SET-Plan.
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) aims to empower the energy transition and contribute from a R&I perspective to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. With robust investment in innovation and technology development, the CETP will pool national and regional resources/funding programmes, thus overcoming a fragmented approach. CCS and CCU is one of the areas described in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
純淨能源轉化夥伴關係(CETP)則致力於能源轉換,以研發、創新的面向立足歐盟,期待歐盟於2050年之前實現碳中和。伴隨有力的創新投資與科技演進,純淨能源轉化夥伴關係將融合地區性與國家級的資源與補助,打破現有因各自進行計畫而顯碎片化之局面。另外補充,碳捕捉與再利用計畫已記錄在策略研究和創新議程(Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda,SRIA)內,為另一突破。
The Innovation Fund is one of the largest funding support schemes in Europe for pre-commercial projects in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, CCS and CCU, that can provide substantial GHG emission reductions and reach financial close within four years. Among the applications received, several projects include parts of the CCS and CCU value chain. The award winners of the first round of the Innovation Fund call will soon be announced. Meanwhile, on 26 October the European Commission launched the second call for large-scale projects.
Connecting Europe Facility for Energy (CEF-E)
For CO2 infrastructure projects that have gained the status of European Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), funding is made available under the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy. This funding stream is connected to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), and for the 2021-2027 period, the budget available under the CEF-E is €5.84 billion.
Currently, five CO2 infrastructure projects are included in the 4th PCI list and eight have applied to be on the 5th PCI list, to be presented by the end of 2021. The 5th PCI list is the first one to be adopted with the objective of net zero GHG emissions enshrined in EU law.
現今,PCI名單共計五項二氧化碳相關的基礎設施計畫,同時,於2021年年底,也將有八項將登陸於第五次的PCI名單。而最值得我們驕傲的是,最新的第五屆PCI名單,也將是首次於歐盟法規內,展望於淨零、零溫室氣體排放(net zero GHG emissions,Green House Gas emissions)的計畫。
ERA-NET Accelerating CCS Technologies
ERA-NET 加速碳捕捉科技
Another main pillar for public funding of CCS and CCU R&I in Europe is the corresponding partnership ERA-NET ACT. With an ever-growing number of partners countries and members, funds have successfully been allocated to CCS projects and evaluations are ongoing.
另一個針對碳捕捉與再利用的研發與創新,而於公共補助的重要支持,便是ERA-NET加速碳捕捉科技的夥伴關係(ERA-NET ACT)。
Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI)
The Important Projects of Common European Interest is a valuable mechanism that allows EU member states to support large-scale transnational projects of pan-European interest beyond State aid rules. IPCEI are based on Strategic Value Chains, two of which are particularly interesting for CCS and CCU, i.e. Hydrogen Technologies and low CO2-emission industries. For the moment, the Hydrogen IPCEI is ongoing with several member states having already opened an expression of interest or having already identified industrial projects at national scale and starting the process of coordinating European cooperation through these projects.
UK policy has developed rapidly in recent years, driven by an increasingly clear recognition of the role that CCS and CCU might play in meeting the UK’s legally binding target to have ‘Net Zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In June 2019, the UK’s Climate Change Act 2008 was amended to make the Net Zero target legally binding. In November 2020, the UK Prime Minister published a ten-point plan which was further supported in the 2020 UK Spending review, and further updated with the Net-Zero Strategy in October 2021.
英國現有發展政策發展快速,也因應現代社會於碳捕捉與再利用之討論,深知此議題逐漸明朗且重要,因此也訂定明確法律目標,期待於2050年之前,達到淨零。具體而言,英國政府正於2019年6月,異動2018年的氣候變遷法,修正國家目標以達零溫室氣體。而於2020年11月,英國首相發表了英國十點計畫,獲得2020年英國預算審核(2020 UK Spending review)的支持,更於2021年10月紀錄於零碳策略白皮書(Net-Zero Strategy)。
The key headlines from the Ten Point plan of most relevance to UK CCS and CCU policy development are:
l £12 billion Government investment is planned by 2030 which will leverage up to £42 billion private investment. This will support 90,000 jobs in this parliament and up to 250,000 jobs by 2030.
l Net Zero is planned to be achieved through only domestic actions, i.e. no offsetting of emissions will be included.
l The introduction of 10Mtpa by 2030 target for CO2 storage.
l The introduction of a 5GW hydrogen production capacity by 2030.
於2030年前,引入第五代戰爭(Fifth-generation warfare,5GW)的氫化生產能力。
In order to support the development of CCS and CCU, commercial frameworks are currently being developed and are due to be published in 2022. They are expected to be based on a Contracts for Difference model to complement current renewable frameworks.
由於英國政府預計支持碳捕捉與再利用計畫,也正在發展商業框架,預計於2022年將會發表。英國將以差價合約(Contracts for Difference,CFD)的模式補足現有相關框架。
The Net Zero strategy, published in October 2021, further increases the ambition:
l Increased ambition to 20-30 Mt of CO2 storage per year in 2030. At least approximately 50 Mt CO2 capture per year is expected to be reached by the mid-2030s.
l This will include 6 Mt of industrial CO2 emissions per year by 2030, expected to grow to 9 Mt per year by 2035.
l A target of 5 Mt CO2 per year by 2030 has been introduced for engineered GHG removals.
3.3. Testimonials: the value of CCS and CCU for the European economy
Port of Rotterdam: Porthos offers companies the opportunity to reduce their CO2 emissions during the period in which they have not yet made the transition to biobased, renewable, or circular. This enables companies to contribute to the Netherlands’ climate objectives and to the energy transition, even if the alternatives are still not sufficiently available or developed. It is set out in the Dutch Climate Agreement that half of the industry’s CO2 reduction in 2030 will be achieved by CCS. As for the other half, the industry concentrates on efficiency, electrification, solar and wind farms, and green hydrogen.
鹿特丹港(譯編:荷蘭):儘管目前生物基、再生與循環的改變尚未完全落實,波爾多斯(Porthos)仍積極協助企業減少碳排放。再生資源仍在發展階段,因此,此項計畫的目標,便是促使荷蘭企業對國內的環境議題與能源轉換貢獻己見。荷蘭氣候協定(Dutch Climate Agreement)預計:於2030年,工業碳排放將以碳捕捉的方式減半。而餘半的二氧化碳則由效率提升、電氣化、太陽能、風力發電與氫化的綠能處理。
Bellona: Both CCS and CCU will likely play a relevant role in the deep decarbonisation of EU industry, namely for the emissions that cannot timely, cost-effectively, or even technically be otherwise avoided. In particular for the cement and steel industries, but also parts of chemicals, there is an urgent need to provide open and fair access to CO2 storage, to enable ambitious climate action and end political blockage.
Narratives and vague plans for decarbonisation decades ahead will not help save our remaining carbon budget. CCS deployment for industry in the next years can.
Climate innovation in industry is not threatened by such access but held back by the lack of it – as soon as we have large scale, real projects operating, no company can hide behind greenwashing or small-scale pilots anymore. We are out of time – industry investment decisions taken today will lock in emissions well beyond climate tipping points or, if decisions are right, get us on the path to net zero.
French Club CO2: Due to the deep decarbonisation of the energy in France, French CO2 emissions were 465 MtCO2e in 2017, of which 350 Mt are CO2 emissions. The French Low Carbon Strategy published in April 2020 sets four priorities to reach carbon neutrality by 2050: 1) fully decarbonise energy production, 2) significantly reduce energy consumption in all sectors in particular through an increase of energy efficiency and sobriety, 3) reduce non-energy-related emissions as much as possible, and 4) increase natural and technological carbon sinks. By 2050, France will reach a level of 80 Mt of CO2e emissions considered as incompressible, due to agriculture and industrial processes. These incompressible CO2 emissions will have to be compensated with carbon sinks, both land sector sink and capture and storage sink. CCS is estimated to contribute to a reduction of 15 Mt CO2 per year: 5 Mt to reduce “hard-to-abate” industrial emissions and 10 MtCO2 to achieve negative emissions thanks to BECCS.
法國減碳友會(French Club CO2):
脫碳目標深植法國能源政策,也因此法國低碳策略中心(The French Low Carbon Strategy)於2020年四月發表四項優先計畫,著眼於2050年前之碳中和:一、完全的脫碳能源製造;二、務求適度生產,兼之生產效率,大幅降低各領域之能源消耗;三、盡可能降低非能源相關之排放;四、增加自然與科技之碳匯,累積與儲存碳化合物。於2050年之前,由於農業與工業製程,法國極有可能達到8000萬噸的碳排放量。而我們希望,這項不可避免的排放,得以以碳匯吸收並儲存。也因此,如果有效發展碳捕捉技術,我們預計此技術將於每年減少1500萬噸的二氧化碳,包含我國500萬噸的工業排放,與1000萬噸經由生物能源與碳捕獲(Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage,BECCS)和儲存減少的負排放(negative emissions)。
North-CCU-Hub is a public-private consortium of >20 partners developing a CCU strategy for the North Sea Port region (Belgium – Netherlands). The consortium consists of companies representing different sectors (steel, chemistry, energy, dredging, logistics), knowledge institutes and local/regional governmental agencies (city, province, port authority, innovation clusters). The consortium aims at creating sustainable CCU-based value chains for local green economy based on industrial symbiosis. The first flagship project of the North-CCU-Hub is the North-C-Methanol project, which aims to produce 46,000 tonnes of green methanol for local use, by synthesis from local CO2 and green hydrogen, generated by renewable energy in a new 65 MW electrolyser plant. Side products like oxygen and heat are also used locally. In the future, North-CCU-Hub wants to build further on the North-C-methanol project to increase capacities and diversify products.
北海碳捕捉中心(North-CCU-Hub)集公共政策與私人目的,為集結超過二十位夥伴的集團,目標便是為比利時與荷蘭交界之北海港區,制定碳捕捉策略。我們的夥伴包含:多領域公司(如鋼鐵、化學、能源、捕撈、組織與物流管理),各型智庫,當地政府組織(如城市、省區、港務局、創新聯盟)。我們以工業共生為基礎,一起創造永續、碳捕捉的價值鏈,促進在地的綠色經濟。第一項旗艦計畫便是北海甲醇計畫(North-C-Methanol project),藉由再生能源合成二氧化氮與綠能氫,我們目標創造4萬6000噸綠能甲醇供當地使用。除此之外,副產物像是氧氣、熱能也供當地使用。而我們期待,北海碳捕捉中心將會進階北海甲醇計畫,增加產量與其他產物。
Equinor: Norway Energy hub is Equinor’s industrial plan for Norway’s future energy industry, placing Norway at centre stage in accelerating the energy transition. Together with partners, Equinor is investing 50 billion NOK in emissions reductions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, developing offshore wind, CCS, and early phase hydrogen projects. Equinor plans on investing further 100 billion NOK in the energy transition.
Where Europe needs to be in 2030 – decarbonisation pathway
Checkpoint 2030: getting on the right track for climate neutrality by 2050
Europe has set a target to reach climate neutrality, defined as net zero GHG emissions by 2050. At the same time, the European Commission has proposed to increase intermediate 2030 targets to a 55% emissions reduction. This has entailed the revision of key EU climate and energy policies, such as the EU ETS Directive. In order to achieve higher climate targets, Europe will need to develop and deploy CCS and CCU at a large scale. Therefore, CCS and CCU need to become investible technologies during the next ten years. The scale up of CCS and CCS supports the EU transition, enables, and supports a just transition for European industry – preserves jobs, stimulates economic growth and diversifies supply chains into new industries – and thus develops Europe as a global leader in the clean, competitive economy of the future.
歐洲已經設立明確目標,決心大步往「碳中和」前進,並於2050年之前達到零碳、零溫室氣體排放。於此同時,歐洲議會也提案,於2030中期,減少半數的碳排放。以上兩項目標都表示歐盟氣候與能源政策具關鍵性的改變,如歐盟碳權交易系統(European Union Emission Trading Scheme)的設立。為求達標以上論述,碳捕捉與再利用計畫便為舉足輕重的關鍵,於下個十年必然成長為更大規模、吸引更多投資。如果能成為更大規模的產業,碳捕捉與再利用計畫也會帶來以下益處:保留工作機會,刺激經濟成長,並多元化供應鏈,使歐洲立於全球、引導未來,成為純淨又具競爭力的經濟體系的領頭羊。
To be on the right track to achieve higher climate targets, the CCUS SET-Plan has also adopted higher targets, which are illustrated in the table below and reflect the increased climate ambition of the European Union and the more ambitious goals at a European level.
為了走對的路、做對的事,碳捕捉、使用、與儲存之歐洲策略能源技術計畫(Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Strategic Energy Technology Plan,CCUS SET-Plan)仰望更高的目標,列表於下,更反應了歐盟對於對抗環境變遷、守護地球環境的決心與野心。
These targets represent the basis for further developments over the next decade and set the foundation for the deployment of a European CCS and CCU industry in its several applications – CDRs and hydrogen. To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, Europe should be on track to meet these intermediary targets.
Going forward, it will be crucial to integrate CCS and CCU in national and European strategies.
| CCUS SET-Plan targets for 2030 2030年目標:碳捕捉、使用、與儲存之歐洲策略能源技術計畫 |
1 | Delivery of 15 commercial-scale CCS projects linked to industrial CO2 sources. Further 10 projects having completed a FEED study and five having made an investment decision. 以工業碳源執行15項商業尺度之碳捕捉計畫。15項中,已有10項計畫完成前端工程設計研究(FEED,Front End Engineering Design),其餘5項則已有後續投資決定。 |
2 | Delivery of 10 commercial-scale CCS projects for clean, flexible power and heat generation (including waste-to-energy plants), complementary to increased renewable energy generation in the energy mix. 執行10項商業尺度的碳捕捉計畫,以求乾淨、具彈性的發電機與熱生成機制(其中包含廢物轉換為能量廠),補充能源組合,增加再生能源。 |
3 | EU member states and external SET-Plan countries having completed national and regional CCS roadmaps for the development of dedicated CO2 transport infrastructure (new, retrofitted, and repurposed), including clusters of CO2 sources and shared, cross-border CO2 infrastructure. The infrastructure being included in the European Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). 歐盟成員與外部的歐洲策略能源技術計畫夥伴,現階段已完成地區與國家的碳捕捉計畫,也致力於碳運輸的基礎設施,務求新型、翻新、與重新設計。而我們也會專注於:碳資源共享,跨國界的基礎設施,於基礎設施上亦對應至歐洲十年串連發展計畫(European Ten-Year Network Development Plan,TYNDP)。 |
4 | At least 10 additional EU Projects of Common Interest (PCI) for CO2 transport infrastructure, with a focus on Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe. Experience from the first full-scale CCS project should be taken into account in the SET-Plan activities linked to targets 3 and 4. 基於歐盟共同利益計畫(PCI),至少再增十項計畫,包含:碳運輸基礎設施,中歐、東歐與南歐的重點計畫。任何關於大型碳捕捉計畫的相關經驗,將會作為歐洲策略能源技術計畫之數據資料,並連結此列表中的目標三、目標四。 |
5 | An up-to-date and detailed inventory of the most suitable and cost-effective geological storage capacity (based on agreed methodology), identified and accepted by various national authorities in Europe. 歐洲各國均同意:我們將使用適合、價格合理、共同協定方法的儲碳條件,並跟進新穎且精緻的發明。 |
6 | At least three pilots of capture technologies at TRL 7-8 in different industrial applications, including one enabling low-emission hydrogen production. At least six pilots of capture technologies at TRL 5-6, of which at least two pilots to test climate positive solutions such as Bio-CCS and direct air capture (DAC). 明列至少三名碳捕捉技術等級7至8之科技顧問,產業輔導低碳氫化流程。另外六名則為碳捕捉技術等級5到6。最後,至少兩名執行環境測試,並提供相關解方,如生物性碳捕捉(Bio-CCS)與直接空氣碳捕獲(direct air capture,DAC)。 |