[教學筆記] 如何幫助大一學生閱讀劇本


開學三週,聆聽學生發言與觀察他們筆記後,發現很多同學在讀劇本時,還習慣用散文跟短文的讀法。因此製作這張講義,幫助同學,如果在教導劇本或是專注在表演研究(Performance Studies),我覺得在掌握架構與了解文意方面,十分有用。

這張講義的靈感,源自於我在UC Berkeley的Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies讀書時,上Julia Fawcett老師的劇場史時,於課堂前期發給我們的講義。該講義使用用字口語化,並且語氣活潑,最後則是原則清楚,將所有讀法集合於同一張紙上,因此也促使我做這張講義給我的大一學生。

以下為講義內容。講義集中討論:舞台指示(Stage Direction)的詳讀與分析,從感受出發並思考這些文字的美學效果與訴諸之議題(此點的靈感來自於台大外文系黃山耘老師的臉書文,文內書寫了黃老師引導對文學無感或是經老師提點後才有感的同學,怎樣感受並應用閱讀文本的情緒進行之後的文本分析),最後則是注意劇本為了演出而包含的物質性視覺元素,與空間規劃。


Dear Folks, 

I am happy to see you all. I believe this is a new semester with new reading experiences for you. Compared to the reading material in the Fall semester, we are handling a new literature genre, DRAMA! Strategy is so important to make great things happen, such as getting the medal in playing LOL, finding the bargain on makeup product in Watsons, or getting creative ideas in the meeting for 英語之夜. And script reading needs strategies too! Reading strategies on drama or performances is slightly different from reading a prose or novel and here are some tips for you. Please let me know if you guys need further assistance on script reading or a creative project for midterm. Hit me up at office hour and have a coffee chat with me on Tuesday and Thursday! I am more than happy to connect with you.

                                                                                                           Warm regards,


  1. “Hey Shelly, so I feel confused on Trifles already and it would be nice if you give out some suggestions. Why am I missing out on important information? I thought the text was not that long?” 

If you're reading line by line, that's fine but here’s an effective way to grasp on some information, such as the main character, the place, the time, and the occurrence. That is, read STAGE DIRECTIONS carefully. Stage direction is like a cheating sheet-- It wraps up some clues with some word choices, physical description, and the spatial arrangement. So please keep an eye on the stage direction because it kinda resembles a “spoiler” or “trailer”on Netflix and gives out some really important information that will come up later.

  1. “Question again, Shelly: I will give some close reading to the stage direction now, thank you. But I do not understand why the playwright is picking on some symbol or plot twist, close reading is hard! What should I do?”

If you feel it is difficult to analyze symbol and plot twist, think about how this particular symbol or plot twist makes you FEEL. The feeling is probably something the playwright wanted to experience. Does the feeling make you more related to certain circumstances or the character? Or does the feeling make you question the choices in the drama and further make you reflect upon your real life? Or does the feeling make you want to escape and hide because it is too untolerable? Then ASK WHY the playwright is making the CHOICE. You need to believe in your gut that your feeling is saying something to you, and the feeling is the key for you to formulate your opinion and find the sparkling ideas that the playwright is trying to deliver. 

  1. Sure, Shelly. I think I can sort of understand how to deal with the lines. But you have mentioned spatial arrangement, and I still don’t understand why it should be a critical aspect to take care of in script reading.”

Spatial arrangement is EXTREMELY important in drama and theater because it includes some tips for actors, actresses, and the production team to do a perfect showcase. Spatial arrangement is some VISUAL CUES for you to IMAGINE and FEEL the VIBE that the playwright is sending out. People do not usually speak out what they think and hide their true feelings, so the spatial arrangement speaks to us reader/audience that something is happening and appeals to us to explore. 

       With the three tips, I sincerely hope that script reading would become something pleasant but not torturing (although it is sometimes!). Reading is hard and I totally understand. Language barrier, confusion during and after the reading, and the constant output on writing are HARD. Please trust yourself that you can OVERCOME THIS and let's work it out. :)

