[行銷/企劃/ marketing /planning] 試寫:雲門舞集/舞蹈、表演藝術推廣/網站內容翻譯/Instagram文案

 A.2021池上秋收稻穗藝術節 十三聲 雲門舞集X 9m88」節目介紹英文文稿撰寫。


基於以下的研究與考量,我撰寫了2021池上秋收稻穗藝術節 十三聲 雲門舞集X 9m88的節目介紹英文文稿。


1.        研究與考量:

·         確認目的:讓英文母語(或是非中文母語的觀眾)於演前了解節目內容,甚至期待演出,甚至能將節目單分享給其他非雲門的粉絲。

·         資料參考:我參考了雲門舞集的數位典藏網站的網站,(如《定光》、《春鬥2018》、《看見島嶼》、《十三聲》等近期節目單)與官方網站的英文版本,盡量接近雲門舞集節目單近期的寫作風格與要素:

n   節目單:

u  英文文稿與中文文稿基本上一致。

u  英文文稿也保留了相對美的文字敘述。

n   官方網站:

u  《十三聲》的英文介紹詳細描述舞蹈的細節,而篇幅比較短。

u  《十三聲》的英文介紹的重點在於舞作「本身」(約80%)的生動,舞蹈帶給人的「感受」的篇幅明顯較少(約20%),接近外媒報導(如Financial Times)的寫作風格。

·         明確標示池上版的與第一版、第二版的《十三聲》的差異:參考節目單內的新聞連結、TT不和諧開講於表演藝術雜誌的記錄、與相關的文案與影片。我認為如下:

n   地點:台東池上、室外表演,年輕族群,不能出外旅遊時,台東常常為台北青年的首選,強調台東的魅力可以吸引年輕人。

n   人物:流行爵士樂手9m88,吸引年輕人,需要於文案中引入放鬆、快活的氛圍。

n   時間:秋季、疫情減緩、五倍券與藝文券發放,家庭拿到額外的閒錢可能會想出遊、接觸大自然,因此家庭和樂、同樂的描寫也是重點。

n   英語受眾:很多來台英語人士目的多為了解中華文化、歷史、中文、到台東看自然風光,所以也需要兼顧歷史與自然風光描寫。

·         進行英語翻譯與潤飾:英語的句法相較於中文,更在意主詞為何?因果關係為何?因此這也是我在翻譯並潤飾內文時,考量的重點之一。


2.        內文:

2021 The Harvest and Dance Festival in Chishang


This October, the soothing sunshine, the golden wave of the crops, and the gentle ocean breeze are summoning you. Cloud Gate welcomes you to come and watch 13 Tongues with your friends and families in Chishang, Taitung on October 30th and 31st (from 14:30 to 16:30)


Inspired by a gifted sound performer and storyteller in Mongchia in the 60s, the choreography stitches the nostalgia for Mongchia with the neon street lights, soundscape of folk songs, and the street art performers to present the deeply-rooted passion for the land. However, 13 Tongues is not solely a dance piece for the district. It portrays the local culture, acknowledges the local community, and recreates one’s childhood memories into a wildly beautiful choreography. 


13 Tongues resonates with Taiwanese and Taiwan lovers because we all ponder sometimes: Where were we from? What is the relation between us and the natives? In what aspect can we empower ourselves and prepare ourselves for the unknown and the future? To respond to such a question, Cloud Gate cooperates with the award-winning jazz singer 9m88 to enrich the original piece and emit the creative sparks in this crossover. 


As we have restrained ourselves from physical connection to protect the ones we love from COVID-19, Cloud Gate appreciates and offers the opportunity to experience genuine connections and emotional attachments through the restage of 13 Tongues. Enjoy this masterpiece with the people you love and celebrate the carefree life we all miss back before the pandemic.


So, visit Chishang! Dance with Cloud Gate, chill with 9m88, and ease yourselves as the wind softly caresses your free spirits and this fertile land. You are all invited to the festival with Cloud Gate, and we cannot wait to have you here!


B. 請以 「雲門舞集《十三聲》」宣傳為目的,設計一篇IGFacebook貼文。


1.     研究與考量:



·         民眾對於鄉愁的主題極度感興趣

·         藝文作品與台灣記憶/認同掛鉤的市場

·         利用以上兩點,即鄉愁與台灣記憶/認同,讓民眾對此作品有感、甚至願意消費,加上該族群於就學、職涯衝刺期,回家頻率降低、但是卻更牽掛家人、長輩。因此,我選擇用以下的文字在Instagram上行銷於池上表演之《十三聲》。


2.     內文:



















