[文學/英語教學] 課綱/Syllabus/Taipei Media School/ 中學生文學課 “We Can Be Heroes”: Multicultural and Anti-Racism Poems

跟大家分享我在Taipei Media School台北影視音學校實驗機構的第一個學季的課綱。


Shelly Shih

Taipei Media School

Lesson Plan: “We Can Be Heroes”: Multicultural and Anti-racism poems







  • Abstract: 

The objective of this course is to raise and incite students’ awareness on anti-racism mentality by reading and analyzing poems to resonate  with the emotion and empathizing with the people who are suffocating from racism. We will explore pain, frustration, urge for individuality or commonality, and finally, rethink about BLM movement/Pandemic-induced anti-Asian sentiment and see what should be changed. 

To promote practicality from poetry, this course features three theoretical frameworks: (1)Learner centeredness that facilitate a safe and respectful discussion-based learning environment that inspires individualized perspective, personal potential, and innate passion. (2)Spiral learning through increasing exposure to racism through different poets’ perspectives and circumstances to build a solid foundation for further application. (3)Experiential learning that integrates learner centeredness and spiral learning, helping students to “understand” and “use” what we have discussed and reflected in the class to help eliminate racism. 

Furthermore, a three-step instructional strategy is addressed in a class within the frameworks: (1)Evaluate students’ familiarity toward racism to develop a tailored lesson plan.  (2)Explore how the poetry makes the student feel and identify similar life experiences that also produced those emotions. Authentic texts of a reliable source or of scholarly publication are provided. (3)Create exercises for students to share and brainstorm possible real-life applications from the poems.

Students are expected to cultivate the observation skill, compassion, and critical thinking skill sets throughout the course. With these abilities, they are to be capable of identifying and dealing with real life problems against racism by recognizing and stepping away from microaggression themselves. 

The three features of the selected material also makes the poem learning profound but handy: (1) Multicultural curriculum that introduces non-English native speaker poets to an English learning plan. To remind all participants that racism or issue related to race as an universal predicament, the pieces map out in North America, East Asia, Southern East Asian. (2) Modern and contemporary poetry presents a more digestible writing style to allow students to focus solely on the presented issue. (3) Multimedial representation of poetries in the forms of social media, high art, and pop culture. 

With this particular class design, I proudly propose that multiculturalism and anti-racism are strongly integrated with the students’ thinking, remarks, and action to make the world better together. 

“We can be Heroes”: Multicultural and Anti-racism poems

Instructor: Shelly Shih

Length: 10-week class

  • Classroom rule: 

Equality and inclusiveness are the two fundamental principles in this classroom.

This is a safe environment for anyone to express their experience, testimony, or/and research on various issues with our weekly reading material. Personal information should be confidential among the participants. Respect everyone’s remarks although intense, constructive discussion is more than welcomed. Step up/step back policy is also important for every individual to have a chance to voice out. 

Reading before the class and bringing your text to the class are required.

  • Syllabus


Topic: Introduction, Our Moment

Background info: Black Lives Matter Movement


Why do you think that racial issue matter/doesn’t matter? Why do the artists think that racial issues matter?

Selected Material: 

Amanda Gorman, “The Hill We Climb” (excerpt of the video, recited by her at the inauguration of Joe Biden)

Multimedia art: Arthur Jafa, “Love is the Message, The Message is Death”


Role plays in a two-people team to speak in the opposite point of view on racial issues. Try to relate, partly agree/disagree, and give out a tentative conclusion.


Topic: Observation and Imagination

Background info: 

Columbus and Native American History


What are the stereotypes of certain races? What is the reality that you have encountered? Can you find another way to tell a story, as Chrystos has suggested in her piece? What is your kind of resistance/rebellion against something you disapprove in your life?

Selected Material:

Chrystos, “I Am Not Your Princess”

David Bowie, "We Can Be Heroes"


Find an inspiring song or movie that has spoken to certain issues. Share your idea and tell us why you are moved. e.g., The Chorus(放牛班的春天), Searching for Sugar Man(尋找甜秘客), The Great Buddha+ (大佛普拉斯)


Topic: Free a “Wild Tongue”

Background info: 

immigrant’s frustration in language proficiency.  


Have you had the experience of sounding “awkward” or “different” in your school life or daily life? What do you think about the attitude of Taiwanese when a fellow cannot speak some “fluent” English? Is it proper or is it problematic? 

Selected Material:

Rupi Kaur, “accent” (young Indian Canadian female poet, posts on Instagram a lot)

Introduction to February 21, International Mother Tongue Day


Imagine you're new to Taipei and 寶藏巖. What might trouble you the most if you have lived in other places for over 10 years? Point out some "culture shocks" you might have been through and situations where help is needed.


Topic: Staying Alive

Background info: 

Burma’s political landscape and protest against military government


How can we actively become a participant toward a national/international incident? Have you thought of some creative projects? List your talent and tell us your ideas.

Selected Material:

Ko Ko Thett, “Funeral of An Elephant”



Choose a coverage from a national or international news station. Try to tell us the significance of it. Why should we know? Why should we care? Why should people who are not immediately suffering from it pay attention to it as well?


Topic: Take Me Home

Background info: Native Taiwanese history, related movement and institution

Native Taiwanese and “No One Is An Outsider 沒有人是局外人” Movement


Can you relate to the feeling in the two poems with personal/domestic/international issues, such as being homeless or feeling emotionally abandoned as a loner? What is a house? What is a home? What is the most important kinship for you right now?

Selected Material:

Walis Nokan,  “Down the Mountain.”

Malieyafusi Monanen, “I Really Don’t Know.”


Watch two clips. One is an interview with Panai and another is a report from PNN. 

What are some other aspects or camera movements for you to track down to give a more rounded, in-depth report? How can you recompose it into a more fruitful one from your point of view?

鏡週刊 一鏡到底》凱道上的鄉愁 歌手巴奈:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJyP9Ne1TSY&t=17s

抗議傳統領域排除私有地 原住民凱道抗爭逾三月 20170530 公視晚間新聞



Topic: Who’s in Charge of the Pandemic?

Background info: Asian Hate in 2021


Why do you think people want to find someone to blame? What should we do if we firmly believe that someone is in charge of certain unpleasant events? What are some rhetorical strategies/communication skills that might lead to a constructive, solution-oriented discussion?

Selected Material: 

Poster in World War Two, Japanese Hate “This is the Enemy,” “Tokio Kid”

New York Times instagram post: Hate Crime Against Asian American 

#StopAsianHate video essay by Jeremy Lin: https://www.facebook.com/jeremylin7/posts/2988577614710160


People often argue that art should be pure and only for art’s sake. However, a German philosopher, Walter Benjamin, has argued that art is political. Do you agree with the former statement or the latter? Tell us why and give us some examples. Use the skills we have discussed to foster a constructive discussion.


Topic: “Taiwanese” Dream

Background info: Immigrant worker & Final Review


From the previous discussion, do you think that racial issues are intensified or lessened by other factors, such as gender (from Rupi Kaur’s piece) or social class (the piece we read today). What are some of the unseen factors that have come up in your mind that were excluded from previous readings?

Selected Material: 

I Am Stingy, I am Not Selfish by Rowena Gascon.

Merajut Asa Di Usia Renta by Merajut Asa Di Usia Renta.

from 台北 聽我說 詩文合集, published in 2018. https://www-ws.gov.taipei/Download.ashx?u=LzAwMS9VcGxvYWQvNDU0L3JlbGZpbGUvMTg1MzMvMTE3NTE3LzgwMzNkNmYwLTliMjgtNGJkNS1iOGNjLTA1OWVmYThjOTFmMC5wZGY%3d&n=MTA35bm06Ie65YyXIOiBveaIkeiqquipqeaWh%2bWQiOmbhi5wZGY%3d&icon=..pdf


Tell us what was your first instinct when you were required to read Merajut Asa Di Usia Renta. How did it feel to be vulnerable? Two students are encouraged to volunteer. They will blindfold their eyes and walk through an obstacle course. Only one student will obtain some assistance. Please observe and share your experience.


Final project discussion: 

What is the application of anti-racism you have learnt from the class? Include at least one text we have studied. The form for this project could be verbal, written, or multimedia. Combination, adaption, or reproduction of the texts we learned are encouraged. Group work on a proposal of a plan is also highly recommended. 

If you are writing an individual paper, please give proper citation if you are using someone else’s idea in the project. 

Any kind of plagiarism is prohibited in this class and leads to an automatic F. Respect and give credit to the original idea are a must.

Roundtable and discussion sessions for your proposal/presentation are provided during the two classes. 


Final week:

Presentation of an individual/group piece. 

  • Grading

Attendance 20% 

Two excused absences are allowed before the class by email to the instructor or by post on Google Classroom. One unexcused absence or another excused absence deducts 10% of your attendance point. Three unexcused absences leads to an F. 

However, if there's a personal/family emergency, please don’t hesitate to let me know and we can definitely accommodate individualized deadlines and requirements.

Participation 40%

Participation in class is highly appreciated and crucial to build a community with genuine and interactive communication, and prepare yourself as a future opinion leader of your generation for some uphill challenges.

Final project presentation 40% 

Please send a digital copy of your proposal or final production to the instructor's email. Negotiation after the deadline is dismissed. Please submit your work in time to give all parties enough time to work on the administrative task.

  • Outside reading or/and resources for proposal on community building (That is, these are optional reading but highly recommended if you’re interested into more readings):

Hear Something, Say Something: Navigating The World Of Racial Awkwardness


Essays and Commentary:Reflections and analysis inspired by the killing of George Floyd and the nationwide wave of protests that followed.:


The Freedom Writers Diary


'Babel' Looks At Language Through The 20 Most-Widely Spoken. Source: https://www.npr.org/2018/12/04/672863997/babel-looks-at-language-through-the-20-most-widely-spoken









