[文學/英語教學] 課綱/Syllabus/Taipei Media School/ 中學生文學課 The Things We Don't Talk About: Life, Trauma, and Death

此為Taipei Media School台北影視音實驗機構第二季開設的課程,The Things We Don't Talk About: Life, Trauma, and Death。
課程標題參考了Anthony Martinez的書名,希望能讓我本人與同學正視:是的,生命坎坷、創傷積累、死亡確實存在,那我們能怎麼面對呢?

最近讀了Julian Barnes的Levels of Life(生命的測量),也與同學分享很多自己讀過、覺得同學可以參考的書籍(像是沒有色彩的多崎作、沒有聲音的女人等等的,與課程每週主題有關,或是跟青少年迷惘卻青春的生命經驗有關),在課內閱讀與討論之餘,增加自己思想與生命的厚度。

  • Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeRkhEYUFzsWk-LKm4jkx6A
  • Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/whos_afraid_of_literature/

以下則是The Things We Don't Talk About: Life, Trauma, and Death的選文與課綱導言,歡迎大家批評指教!感謝閱讀!



"The Things We Don’t Talk About"
1: Reading on Life, Trauma, and Death

The title is inspired by the publication, The Things We Don’t Talk About By Anthony Martinez 

Week 1 How to face Life, Trauma, and Death?

Rap: 宋岳庭 - Life's A Struggle

Poem: Emily Dickinson - Because I could not stop for death

Week 2 “I Have a Dream”: the life of Racial Minority

Poem: Walis Nokan - Down the Mountain

New media: Arthur Jafa: Love is the Message, the Message is Death

Week 3 “I am fully who I am”: the life of the LGBTQ+ community 

Queer: Chen Chen - Poem in Noisy Mouthfuls

Transgender: 蔡佳璇,紀錄片《遊移之身》

with students’ pick on their piece upon life, trauma, and death(1 hour)

Week 4 “My damage was internal, unseen”: Sexual Assault surviving

Pop: Kesha - Praying

(Excerpt) Essay: Stanford Sexual Assault Case Survivor "Emily Doe" victim’s impact statement 


Week 5 “Funny it takes the time to get back up”: Depression and Mental Illness 

Photography: Channeling The Pain Of Depression Into Photography, And Finding You Are Not Alone (NPR news)

Script: (Excerpt) Sarah Kane - 4.48 Psychosis


Week 6 Animal’s Life Matter

Poem: Ko Ko Thett - The Funeral of an Elephant & students’ discussion what you’re thinking to make (1 hour), guidelines for grading on the final project


Week 7 “Maybe one day I can fly with you”: The loss of your beloved 

Poem: Mary Elizabeth Frye - Do not stand by my grave and grieve 

Poem: Dylan Thomas - Do not go gentle into the night


Week 8 “How to save a life”: Rebirth

Short story: (Excerpt) James Joyce - The Dead 

Pop: Missio - I See You


Week 9 Discussion and office hours

Final Submission by Week 9’s Sunday Midnight (23:59) by email 


Week 10 Creative Project (Final Presentation) 

